Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Socializing Content Creation

You can't collaborate socially without pulling people into your orbit.

You and your team are a brand. Being social and PR are your friends. Social media is part of that. Workplaces are becoming more dependent on social tools. Social tools can help build better content. It's not about self-promotion, but about letting people know what you're doing and what value you're contributing.

The hard part is engaging, especially if you're an introvert. Post and blog regularly. Think about what you can communicate out to the organization. When people are interested in our work they want to make it better.

When you engage co-workers, you get earlier feedback on the content you're creating. Think of your colleagues as collaborators, not reviewers.

Conversations are not only public, they are permanent. But the decisions we make are archived for posterity as well. Get your information decisions out of email and into a format you can capture. Email is a terrible way of linking people to and showing them what happened.It's also great reference material, to track how you did things last time, which can save time and money.

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