Why talk about ROI (return on investment) and content strategy? Need to understand where you are to figure out where you want to go. Before 2004, "content strategy" wasn't even in the lexicon of the web. But it's part of business today.
Break content strategy into 3 distinct points: audience, architecture, and flow.
The audience isn't just consumers, but competitors, the industry you're in. An important point is understanding what your brand vision is and holding true to your brand vision. The brand vision is a focus you must have with regard to your content.
Understanding who your audience is and how often they need updates from you is important.
Everyone has preferred format. The tools you use make you based toward a particular format.
Use open standards to future-proof your content. Think about the ROI that will be done 10 years from now, not just 2 years from now. Follow open standards such as XML, HTML, and CSS.
Thinking bigger than what you're currently doing doday is an important part of your ROI analysis.
Flow is internal and external. It is the idea that turns in to production that turns in to content that you deliver.
People expect to have a voice in your content.
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