Andrea Ames talked over lunch about what she termed "soft skills." If you are the "milquetoast victim," you are going to have a lot of problems getting your ideas accepted.
Going to talk about your innate power. That's what you need to embrace. Then, how your power influences everything around you, consciously or unconsciously.
We need to talk about how to use your power for good, because you will become a superhero when we're done.
How much can you actually accomplish on your own? Think about how much more you can accomplish with other people behind your initiative, providing funding, providing resources.
Skills and knowledge are important. Need to think about what's "under the water line." The things that can make us successful beyond what we know and don't know.
We can make ourselves feel powerful. We can do it with out posture. We can do it by thinking about what we want to say before we say it wo we don't have to fill our speech gaps with "um." Be comfortable with pauses. Use strong words and be confident in how you speak. You can learn these.
Power is primal. It comes from our brain stem. Own your space.
When you feel power, you project power. When you project power, people listen to you.
Fake it 'til you make it? No, fake it 'til you become it.
Power is a tool, a tool in your toolbox. Influence is something that changes people's minds.
The most important leadership you can achieve is the leadership within yourself.
There are 5 levels of leadership. At one level, you get to the point where people want to follow you. At the top, you represent an idea, something people respect and trust. You're trying to achieve a leadership relationship with people. You want to be the person others trust and come to.
Model the behavior you want to see in others. It's the most important thing you can do.
Skills and knowledge are necessary, but not sufficient, for shoring up your power and influence. Work on your "professionalism," the soft skills. If you can't own your space, if you can't project the confidence to enact, how to do your work when others claim ownership? You have to continue to build a relationship of trust to own the content in places where you've never owned it before.
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